
Build dependencies

To build CIF you need to install the following packages:

  • make

  • gcc

  • g++

  • flex

  • bison

Build and install

First you need to download archives with the source code of prerequisites needed by GCC (gmp, mpfr, mpc and isl):

$ cd aspectator
$ ./contrib/download_prerequisites

Then return back to the root of the repository and execute make:

$ cd ..
$ make

You can use option -jN for make to significantly speed up building, e.g.:

$ make -j16

In addition, you can speed up building further by disabling bootstrap:

$ ASPECTATOR_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--disable-bootstrap" make -j16

After successful build you can install CIF, e.g.:

$ sudo make install

You can specify the alternative directory where CIF will be installed, e.g.:

$ DESTDIR=/home/user/cif make install

Automatic testing

You can run the following command for automatic testing of CIF:

$ make test

It requires Python 3 and pytest to be installed.


You can uninstall CIF by running the following command:

$ sudo make uninstall

If CIF was installed into an alternative directory with the DESTDIR option then you need to use it again:

$ DESTDIR=/home/user/cif make uninstall


You should run the following command to remove build directories:

$ make clean